ACE Issue 33 2023 | Page 35

Above , The project involved the complete overhaul of the pump and motor assemblies , all of which could be completed at the same location . Below , The storm pumps had been in operation for around 25 years and were in need of a serious overhaul . ( Image source : shutterstock )
The project involved the complete overhaul of the pump and motor assemblies , all of which could be completed at the same location . As a turnkey solution , Sulzer provided field service engineers to arrange the lift and removal of the pump as well as the reinstallation of the full unit including motor , after the refurbishment had been completed .
One-stop-shop for maintenance Once the pump had been disassembled , all the components were inspected and identified for replacement or reengineering . A considerable amount of corrosion was found on the impeller and the suction sleeves . Sulzer applied a specialist coating on all parts that required additional protection against corrosion to extend the operating life of these components .
During the project , some of the maintenance team from the wastewater treatment plant visited the service center to check on progress and see for themselves the levels of corrosion inside the pump . Sulzer ’ s open-door policy means customers are always welcome to call in and see the ongoing work .
Having discovered the full extent of the wear and tear on the pumps after 25 years , the site maintenance team is putting together a plan with Sulzer to refurbish the remaining pumps . This can be achieved without affecting the capacity of the site , with Sulzer providing the engineering and logistics support for a turnkey project .
Chris Weston concludes : “ Our network of service centers means we always have a local presence that can provide a fast and responsive solution for any rotating equipment . Our one-stop-shop enables us to keep all mechanical and electrical repairs in-house , optimizing repair times and minimizing any downtime for our customers .”
For more information , visit www . sulzer . com
About Sulzer
Sulzer is a global leader in fluid engineering . We specialize in pumping , agitation , mixing , separation and purification technologies for fluids of all types