ACE Issue 33 2023 | Page 22

Robotics has a key role to play in enabling manufacturers from all countries to remain agile , cost efficient and globally competitive .

Global robot report highlights UK ’ s urgent need to increase automation

By Tom Bouchier , Managing Director , FANUC UK

The UK has a strong and proud manufacturing history and , for a small nation , has long punched above its weight on the global stage . Today , the UK remains the ninth largest manufacturing nation in the world , with a £ 183bn output . But our seat at the top table is looking precarious as a result of our slow adoption of industrial automation . No longer the preserve of Asian powerhouses like China , Japan or the Republic of Korea , the recently published IFR World Robotics Industrial Robots 2022 report reveals that countries far closer to home such as Slovenia , Slovakia , Finland and Hungary are now outpacing the UK when it comes the adoption of robotics . If we are to continue competing on the global stage , it is imperative that the UK ’ s automation community comes together to support British firms to embrace robotics and

FANUC UK ’ s Managing Director , Tom Bouchier highlights that the UK is currently languishing at 24th in the world robot density rankings , making us the only G7 country to sit outside the top 20 .
ensure our reputation as a nation of manufacturers continues to thrive .
A record-breaking year As acknowledged in its foreword , the statistics contained in the 2022 IFR report are a strong indication of the vital contribution that robotics is making towards supporting businesses to protect their core production processes against the effects of the numerous global crises that we have experienced over the past few years . A record 517,385 new robots were installed in 2021 – an impressive 31 % uplift from 2020 . As well as traditional automation adopters such as the automotive , electronics , and metal & machinery industries , advances in robotic capability through digitalisation and AI have seen sectors such as warehousing and logistics also begin deploying automated solutions .
UK bucks the global trend Robotics has a key role to play in enabling manufacturers from all countries to remain agile , cost efficient and globally competitive , and the fact that 2021 saw the highest number of