“ This means that we have to be able to work fast , necessitating a high level of productivity , but we must also be extremely accurate , to ensure everything we produce is to an exact specification . We knew that the best way to achieve this combination of speed and accuracy was to invest in the latest electric injection moulding technology .”
IDENTIFYING THE SOLUTION Avenue worked closely with JL Goor – machinery suppliers to the Irish polymer market – to identify which machines represented the best investment for the anticipated growth .
Michael Reynolds , Sales Manager at JL Goor , comments : “ We ’ ve worked with Avenue for a number of years , growing alongside them as the Irish polymer market starts to make its mark on the global scene . When we were tasked with identifying an electric injection moulding machine that could meet the high-pressure demands of the medical market , we had no hesitation in recommending FANUC ’ s ROBOSHOT .”
Avenue invested in four FANUC ROBOSHOT electric injection moulding machines , ranging from the 50T model through to the largest 300T model . These were delivered bespoke to their exact requirements having
passed through JL Goor ’ s brand new customisation centre .
Des Forde , Commercial Director at Avenue – A Nolato Company , comments : “ Opting for an all-electric injection machine was vital from a cleanroom point of view , and the ROBOSHOT is very impressive in terms of its footprint to performance ratio . Given FANUC ’ s extensive portfolio , it ’ s also ideal for adding on automation and robots – for example , on the ROBOSHOT 150iA we use a FANUC LR Mate 200D 7L , which provides a seamless integration of electric press and automation .
“ But the biggest advantage of opting for FANUC was the global recognition and trust it has as a brand in general , but also specifically with its proven track record in electric press manufacture . We ’ ve got customers from all corners of the world , many of whom use FANUC machines and robots themselves . The medical moulding market is built on accuracy and reliability , and you need that confidence in the product . If we ’ ve tested moulds at our own facility on the ROBOSHOT , then we know it will work at our customers ’ sites too .”
LOOKING TO THE FUTURE With Avenue continuing to enjoy success , its position in the global medical moulding market looks set to increase following GW Plastic ’ s merger with the Nolato Group – a leading Swedish-based polymer solutions provider in Europe , Asia and North America specialising in developing and manufacturing products in polymer materials such as plastic , silicone , and TPE for leading companies within the healthcare industry . Des concludes :
“ When you are looking at investing in new machinery , you have to ask yourself a number of different questions . Above all else , will these new machines positively impact your business , and how easy will it be to implement them into existing production processes ?
“ FANUC is an internationally recognised name , and our customers across the globe are confident in the precision and reliability of the ROBOSHOT machines . The local support offered by both FANUC and JL Goor also means we can be assured of a painless installation process and ongoing support should any issues arise , which means we ’ ll undoubtedly be making further investment as we continue to grow .”
For more information , please visit www . fanuc . eu / uk / en , www . jlgoor . ie , and www . avenuemouldsolutions . ie /