Furthermore, a high-throughput system
which can perform a number of tests
simultaneously would help scientists
obtain key results in a fraction of the
time required using manual methods.
optimal solution was provided by
Mitsubishi Electric, PAA’s preferred
industrial automation specialist.
Andy Mash, Integration Manager at PAA,
comments: “We have a longstanding
and successful relationship with
Mitsubishi Electric, which is our go-to
brand when it comes to automation
products. Technically speaking, their
high-quality solutions are easy to
integrate, accurate and reliable.”
Moving around inside the cell
The solution provided by Mitsubishi
Electric is its MELFA RV series six-axis
articulated robotic arm and controller.
The robot is mounted onto a linear
slide that allows movement around the
microbiology unit to move materials
from one station to another.
Neal Welch, Life Science Sales Manager
at Mitsubishi Electric, explains: “A key
feature of our solution is its intrinsic
adaptability. This is how we were able
to adapt the robotic motion within the
workcell as well as interface the MELFA
RV-2FL six-axis robot with existing
softwares from NIST and PAA.”
Another key issue solved by this
flexible automation solution was
the positioning of items within the
workcell. For example, the liquid
handler uses disposable tips, whose
coordinates can slightly vary every
time. By being able to assess its
location, the machine can compensate
for small variations in positioning and
recalculate its own position relative to
the consumables. As a result, accuracy
in operation is maintained.
In addition, as the microbiology
unit uses liquids and powdered
materials, Mitsubishi Electric’s robot
was designed to feature IP67 ingress
protection rating against dust and
Automation with room for human
The new cell can also send alerts or
notifications when necessary. One
example would be when consumables
are about to finish, so they can be
replenished in time, avoiding any
unplanned downtime.
While the cell can operate
independently most of the time,
restocking supplies constitutes an
instance when a person needs to
access the workcell. When scientists
or operators want to enter the
S-CEL™ Robotic system, ensuring safe
operations is of utmost importance.
Mitsubishi Electric robot again provides
an ideal solution.
Neal Welch explains: “To maximise
the capabilities of the system, we
delivered a robot solution that keeps
on performing its tasks even when
scientists or operators enter the
workcell. The robot will simply move
away from operators and continue
working at different work stations,
avoiding the locations where humans
are present. In this way, downtime is
minimised even further.”
Integrated systems enable fast
scientific breakthroughs
As a result, the multifunctional solution
developed by Mitsubishi Electric and
PAA will help NIST scientists reduce
the risk of contamination in their
experiments as well as produce sound
standards and measurements far more
quickly than with traditional, manual
operations. This, in turn, leads to
quicker discoveries and innovations
from the industries, universities and
public bodies supported by work at
Andy Mash comments: “We take pride
in providing high-quality products
that ensure customer satisfaction
and profitability. NIST is a prestigious
organisation and the positive feedback
we have received provides confirmation
that our efforts have been well
received. Thanks to the
collaboration with Mitsubishi Electric,
we were able to deliver an innovative
solution using the latest automation
Neal Welch concluded: “We are proud
of having been part of this cutting-
edge project. In particular, we are
excited to see its capabilities in
promoting advanced research and
innovation in microbiology. These could
lead to key discoveries in fields such as
human health and precision medicine.”
Above left, A variety of instruments, located around the workcell, required an automated pick and place solution, to move
samples and consumables around the different stations. Above right, the positioning system enables the robot to assess its
location, compensate for small variations in positioning and recalculate its own position relative to the consumables.