“Because the text is so clear, I can keep
the date code small, if I want to.”
As she explains, an efficient, reliable
operation is essential with frozen
products which are being packed and
coded in ambient temperatures. The
manufacturer needs to know that
product will be out of a refrigerated
environment for the minimum possible
With a rated maximum speed of 60m
per minute, the iJet can easily keep up
with the top flow-wrapping speed of
100 packs per minute on the 75g and
63g lollies.
Thermal transfer and continuous inkjet
(CIJ) are typically (and often wrongly)
assumed to be the best options for
variable on-pack data, to the detriment
of TIJ – a technology which has
advanced dramatically in quality and
cost terms over recent years. In fact,
when assessed on the basis of total cost
of ownership per 1,000 codes, TIJ works
out as being less than two-thirds the
cost of continuous inkjet (CIJ).
Steve at Rotech adds: “The real
advantage with TIJ is that, as a very
simple, cartridge-based system,
there are no moving parts and no
But it is not only the equipment and its
performance which have confirmed to
LICKALIX that it made the right choice.
“The service from Rotech has been
great, starting with the pre-purchase
trials and the clear demonstration once
the iJet was installed,” says Karis. “We
had one small problem, and they were
here to sort it out the next day.”
She adds: “I was also impressed that the
owner of the company came in to visit
us and our single coder on his way to
a 40-machine installation somewhere
For now, the primary focus for LICKALIX
is on making other parts of the
production process more efficient. But in
the future, Karis says she can envisage
a time when there will be a need for
an increase in its capacity – and with it,
more in-line TIJ coding from Rotech.
LICKALIX sales are currently through
Ocado, as well as health food chains
Planet Organic, Wholefoods and As
Nature Intended. At Jamie Oliver
restaurants, you will find its lollies on
the children’s menu. They are also sold
through many cafés, leisure centres, and
other independent outlets.