ACE Issue 21 2019 | Page 8

WATER QUALITY PLAYS A VITAL ROLE IN MANY PROCESSES, FROM PERFECTING THE TASTE OF BEER TO MAXIMISING COOLING EFFICIENCY. P rocess water often has to be modified to meet the required quality standards, either as part of a manufacturing process or to prevent corrosion, microbiological build-up or scale formation. Monitoring a combination of pH, chlorine, reduction potential (ORP), temperature and conductivity is the first step in achieving the optimum process conditions. Combined with precision flow measurement and control circuits, the quality of 8 process water can be achieved and documented. From cooling towers to craft breweries, process water has a wide variety of uses and each application has different demands. Water quality is often controlled using a blending process that combines two sources of water of known quality to produce the required process quality. This can be achieved either by ratio control or quality control procedures. Preventing corrosion and the deposition in cooling towers for example can be achieved through the careful blending of treated and raw water to create the right balance for make-up water used to maintain system levels. Water blending also has a significant effect on consumables such as beer, where the taste is affected by the water composition going into the fermentation process, so monitoring and maintaining a high-quality source of process water is essential.