The Ishida CCW-RV-212 is weighing
the diced cooked meat at target
weights of 85g, 100g, 150g
and 300g, the largest two sizes
specifically for dog food and the
smaller sizes for cat food as well.
The 12 head machine is divided
into two halves, each one feeding
a separate pouch machine below.
Special embossed surfaces help to
ensure a smooth flow of product
throughout the weigher. To maximise
speed and accuracy the six pool
hoppers on either side each feed
two weigh hoppers.
This is generating a throughput of
up to 90 packs per minute but the
weigher has the capability to go
even faster.
Weighing accuracy is
precise and consistent,
according to quality
manager Sabino
“We have been very pleased with the
performance of the Ishida weigher,
and we have found that giveaway is
minimal,” he explains.
Another benefit of the weigher, says
Sabino, is its ease of use. “Product
changeovers can be carried out
literally at the touch of a button,
and the weigher is also very easy
to dismantle for cleaning. This is
definitely very helpful for a lot of our
Indeed, so simple is the machine to
use that just one operator is needed
at any one time to oversee the entire
packing operation.
With Morando typically operating
two eight hour shifts, five days a
week, the reliability of the weigher
has also been exemplary since
its installation. “It has
continued to perform
consistently well,”
confirms Sabino.
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