This is followed by a presence monitoring immediately
before mounting the tool, before ultimately checking
immediately after removal and finally during storage. This
is the only way to prevent parts from being lost in the
handling process, causing an expensive crash of the tool.
Gripper precision is a decisive criteria
The gripping systems that are increasingly being
conceived, designed, and built independently by Denk
since the beginning of 2010 are of double significance:
They must ensure reliable handling whilst at the same
time facilitating reliable monitoring of the relevant
process steps. Primarily the latter had proved to be a
challenge for a long time now, because by far and away
not all gripping system components available on the
market permanently achieved the required level of
precision and process reliability, not even the high-end
"With our gripping systems, it is very important of how
precise monitoring could be done", Spenst underlines.
"Because with 1 mm play in the gripper jaws and a closing
stroke of 3 mm reliable monitoring is not possible."
It repeatedly transpired with grippers from various
manufacturers that sensors delivered unreliable results
because the play in the jaw guidance was so large. "Over
the course of time, we have realized that SCHUNK grippers
can be queried very reliably, as they work phenomenally
precisely", the automation specialist reports.
"Cycle time is real money"
The SCHUNK MPG-plus is currently the most powerful
miniature gripper on the market. Besides inductive
monitoring, it can also be monitored by integratable and
programmable magnetic switches, by means of which a
high degree of flexibility can be attained. Compared with
similar modules on the market requiring the same input,
the gripper produces a significantly higher output, paving
the way for ever smaller and more efficient systems. The
high-performance, individually adapted junction roller
guide ensures high load bearing capacity of the entire
guidance, minimal wear, and a long life span. Components
made of special high-performance aluminium are used
in the interior. In order for engineers to be as flexible as
possible in process and system designing, the module can
be screwed through and tightened both on the side as
well as on the bottom side.