ACE Bulletin Chicago 2024 | Page 17

October 18 – 20 , 2024

The cancellation of on-site ACE 2024 by IJCAHPO for any reason will result in the conversion of on-site registrations to virtual registrations with no change in fees and no refunds given .
10:40 – 11:40 a . m . 12:00 – 1:00 p . m . 11:20 – 11:50 a . m . 12:00 – 12:30 p . m . 12:40 – 1:10 p . m .
01FR3B ■ I — p 24 Working with Cataract Surgery Patients : What Your Surgeon Wants You to Know ; Tsai
02FR3B ■ I — p 23 NEW ! Glaucoma Medications : The Good , The Bad , The Ugly ; Chaku
01FR4A ■ B — p 22 NEW ! History Taking ; Mantello
03FR24A ■ A — p 15 Capstone Lectures ; Stewart ( cont .)
07FR3W ■ I — p 30 Clinical Skills Learning Lab 2 ; Johnson ( cont .)
01FR4B ■ B — p 20 NEW ! Front Office Super Staff ; McDonald
02FR4 ■ I — p 24 NEW ! Chemodenervation for Functional and Cosmetic Treatments ; Slonim
03FR4B ■ I — p 27 When Medical Procedures Are Over , But Patients Still Struggle ; Lindgren
1:20 – 2:20 p . m . 2:40 – 3:40 p . m .
01FR5 ■ B — p 26 NEW ! Testing Visual Fields ; Giaconi
02FR5 ■ M — p 28 Ptosis : Red Flag , Red Herring , or Red Alert ; Lee
03FR5 ■ M — p 28 Mystery Retina 2024 : Interactive Discussion of Challenging Cases ; Mieler
04FR45 ■ I — p 28 Cornea , Refractive and Cataract Sub-Specialty Session ; DelMonte
01FR6 ■ A — p 26 NEW ! Ultrasound Biomiscroscopy ( UBM ) Cases : Descriptive Interpretation ; Blackburn
02FR6 ■ A — p 20 NEW ! Am I Management Ready ? Assessing Readiness for a Managerial Role ; Mehta
03FR6 ■ M — p 27 Clinical Trials Update 2024 ; Mieler
05FR46 ■ A — p 30 CDOS and ROUB Certification Exam Prep Session ; Simms
06FR4W SOLD OUT ■ I — p 29 Assisting in Intravitreal Injections Learning Lab ; Plumley
06FR5 SOLD OUT ■ B — p 22 Eye Exam in Spanish : Evaluation of the Non-Bilingual Patient ; Martinez
06FR6 SOLD OUT ■ I — p 22 NEW ! Advanced Eye Exam in Spanish : Interpreting for Your Physician ; Bretana
07FR56W ■ B — p 29 Surgical Assisting Learning Lab ; Loyacano
10:40 – 11:40 a . m . 12:00 – 1:00 p . m . 2:40 – 3:40 p . m .
1:20 – 2:20 p . m . 11:20 – 11:50 a . m . 12:00 – 12:30 p . m . 12:40 – 1:10 p . m . 2:40 – 3:10 p . m . 3:20 – 3:50 p . m .
01SA34 ■ I — p 28 Glaucoma Sub-Specialty Session ; Choplin ( cont .)
02SA3B ■ I — p 24 NEW ! Cataract Evaluation in Complex Patients ; Cortina
03SA3B ■ I — p 20 Let Me Know , Let Me Grow : The Power of Cross- Training ; Brock
04SA3B ■ B — p 25 NEW ! Fundus Photography Basics ; Buck
05SA3 ■ I — p 23 Pink Eye : What is It ?; Legault ( cont .)
06SA3 ■ B — p 22 NEW ! Teleophthalmology ; Hunter ( cont .)
07SA3W ■ I — p 29 Ultrasound Biometry ( A-Scan ) Learning Lab ; Maple ( cont .)
02SA4A ■ A — p 26 NEW ! Ultrasound Characteristics of Intraocular Tumors ; Bretana
03SA4A ■ I — p 23 NEW ! Update on Corneal Transplantation ; Kang
02SA4B ■ A — p 26 NEW ! Intraoperative Echographic Localization of Radiation Plaque ; Ayres
03SA4B ■ I — p 23 NEW ! Cornea Under Attack : Drug Induced Corneal Complications ; Panday
04SA4 ■ I — p 23 Evaluation and Management of Tearing Patients ; Nguyen
01SA56 ■ A — p 28 Neuro-Ophthalmology Sub-Specialty Session ; Subramanian
02SA5 ■ A — p 24 NEW ! Basic Imaging in Oculoplastic Surgery ; Allen
03SA5 ■ I — p 23 NEW ! Flooding the Desert : Dry Eye Update ; Panday
04SA5 ■ I — p 22 NEW ! Lessons Learned from Closed Claims : When Protocols Fail ; Bruhn
02SA6 ■ I — p 24 NEW ! Oculoplastics Red Flags on the Phone and in the Clinic ; Allen
03SA6A ■ I — p 23 Compassionomics : The Science and Practice of Caring ; Johnson
04SA6A ■ I — p 23 NEW ! Similarities and Differences in the Work Up of Refractive and Cataract Surgery Patients ; De la Cruz
03SA6B ■ I — p 27 Contact Lens Related Complications ; Miller
04SA6B ■ I — p 27 NEW ! Pearls and Pitfalls of Interpreting OCT ; Sadda
05SA46 ■ A — p 30 Certified Ophthalmic Medical Technologist ( COMT ) Certification Exam Prep Session ; Simms
06SA4W SOLD OUT ■ B — p 29 Scribing Learning Lab ; McDonald
07SA4W SOLD OUT ■ I — p 29 Contact B-Scan Ultrasonography Learning Lab ; Slomicz
NEW ! On-Site p 33 Learning Lounge ( cont .) Drop in !
06SA56W ■ I — p 30 Retinoscopy Learning Lab : Plus Cylinder ; Norath
07SA5W SOLD OUT ■ I — p 29 Contact B-Scan Ultrasonography Learning Lab ; Maple
08SA5W ■ B — p 29 NEW ! Optical Biometry with ANTERION SS-OCT Learning Lab ; TBA
07SA6W ■ I — p 29 Contact B-Scan Ultrasonography Learning Lab ; Slomicz
08SA6W ■ B — p 29 NEW ! Optical Biometry with ANTERION SS-OCT Learning Lab ; TBA
General Information On-Site Program General Information
October 18 – 20 , 2024 • Hyatt Regency Chicago 17