ACDN events Join us on our USA Cake Crawl 2020! - ITINERARY | Page 28

Our class with Natalie will be held at the fun studio of Charm City Cakes owner Chef Duff - Duff's Cakemix! Duff's Cakemix is a studio where you can visit, purchase a blank canvas (cake or cupcakes) and decorate to your heart's content. Duff founded America's first ever do-it-yourself cake and cupcake decorating studio that supplies everything needed to walk in and decorate! We have a private event space at Duff's Cakemix where Natalie will teach our class. After class you'll be able to check out this fun cake studio! And before you ask - you must know team ACDN well enough by now! - of course we'll be trying to get Duff to make an appearance while we are there! But as he does not live in the area this is definitely not confirmed and is actually pretty unlikely so we can't promise anything - but it doesn't hurt to ask right?! After we've finished our class with Natalie Sideserf we will head down the road to one of LA's best roof-top bars, to celebrate the end of another fantastic day on LA Cake Crawl! included: Class with Natalie Sideserf, morning tea, lunch, venue hire, transport to and from hotel to venue