ACCT 553 Week 7 Homework FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . acct553study . com
Chapters 10-11-12
ACCT 553 Week 7 Homework FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . acct553study . com
1 . Please explain the distinction between a " realized " gain and a " recognized " gain . ( 5 pts )
2 . Are there any limits to the deductibility of losses on sales and exchanges between related parties ? What code section defines this limitation ? ( 5 pts .)
3 . What is the basis of property received ( i . e . new property ) in a likekind exchange ? What is the holding period for the new asset ? ( 5 pts .)
4 . David purchased stock in Zoll Corporation in 1985 for $ 6,000 . On April 16 , 2013 he gifted the stock to his daughter Susan ; at the time of the gift , the Zoll stock was valued at $ 250,000 . Susan sold the stock the next month for $ 252,000 . What is Susan ' s gain or loss and what is the character of the gain or loss ? ( 5 pts .)