ACCT 551 RANK Motivated Minds/ ACCT 551 RANK Motivated Minds/ | Page 41

FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acct551rank E13-11 (Warranties) Sheryl Crow Equipment Company sold 500 Rollomatics during 2014 at $6,000 each. During 2014, Crow spent $20,000 servicing the 2-year warranties that accompany the Rollomatic. All applicable transactions are on a cash basis. E13-12 (Premium Entries) No Doubt Company includes 1 coupon in each box of soap powder that it packs, and 10 coupons are redeemable for a premium (a kitchen utensil). In 2014, No Doubt Company purchased 8,80 0 premiums at 80 cents each and sold 110,000 boxes of soap powder at $3.30 per box; 44,000 coupons were presented for redemption in 2014. It is estimated that 60% of the coupons will eventually be presented for redemption. P13-9 (Premium Entries and Financial Statement Presentation) Sycamore Candy Company offers an MP3 download (seven-single medley) as a premium for every five candy bar wrappers presented by customers together with $2.50. The candy bars are sold by the company to distributors for 30 cents each. The purchase price of each download code to the company is $2.25. In addition, it costs 50 cents to distribute each code. The results of the premium plan for