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9–4. Types of Contracts Burger Baby restaurants engaged Air Advertising to fly an
advertisement above the Connecticut beaches. The advertisement offered $1,000 to any person
who could swim from the Connecticut beaches to Long Island in less than a day. At 10:00 A.M.
on October 10, Air Advertising’s pilot flew a sign above the Connecticut beaches that read:
“Swim across the Sound and Burger Baby pays $1,000.” On seeing the sign, Davison dived in.
About four hours later, when he was about halfway across the Sound, Air Advertising fl ew
another sign over the Sound that read: “Burger Baby revokes.” Davison completed the swim in
another six hours. Is there a contract between Davison and Burger Baby? Can Davison recover
anything? Why or why not?
9–5. Acceptance Evelyn Kowalchuk, an eighty-eight-year old widow, and her son, Peter, put
their savings into accounts managed by Matthew Stroup. Later, they initiated an arbitration
proceeding before the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), asserting that Stroup
fraudulently or negligently handled their accounts. They asked for an award of $832,000. After
the hearing, but before a decision was rendered, Stroup offered to pay the Kowalchuks
$285,000, and they e-mailed their acceptance. Stroup signed a settlement agreement and faxed
it to the Kowalchuks for their signatures. Meanwhile, the NASD issued an award in the
Kowalchuks’ favor for $88,788. Stroup immediately told them that he was withdrawing his
settlement “offer.”
When Stroup did not pay according to its terms, the Kowalchuks fi led a suit in a New York state
court against him for breach of contract. Did these parties have a contract? Why or why not?
[Kowalchuk v. Stroup, 873 N.Y.S.2d 43 (N.Y.A.D. 1 Dept. 2009)]
10–9. A QUESTION OF ETHICS: Remedies.
In 2004, Tamara Cohen, a real estate broker, began showing property in Manhattan to Steven
Galistinos, who represented comedian Jerry Seinfeld and his wife, Jessica. According to Cohen,
she told Galistinos that her commission would be 5 or 6 percent, and he agreed. According to