Accommodation Enhancement and Expansion boards | Page 3

Consultation to Date What have you told us? We have learnt from the consultation to date that there is very strong support for the development proposals. There is a huge amount of affection for the quality of the environment on campus, coupled with a strong sense of community and belonging. People would like to see the new development enhance this experience, whilst offering affordable and accessible accommodation to a wide range of students with differing needs and requirements. Key changes to the proposals have been made as a result of the previous rounds of consultation. This has fed into the detailed designs and elevations for the new student accommodation, details of which are presented on the following boards. Full details of the findings from the previous consultation events can be found on our website: How have we responded? Barnes Hall 1 2 3 4 Cluster block accommodation reduced from five to four storeys Sustainability bungalow retained Break introduced into western cluster blocks to improve pedestrian and visual connections Landscaped area surrounding the hub increased May Consultation Master Plan Horwood Hall 50% reduction in the number of rooms proposed adjacent to Plantation Park housing and the staff flats with no development within existing green space immediately adjacent. All entrances positioned and moved away from existing housing 6 Buildings re-orientated with gable ends facing staff flats to avoid overlooking 7 Repositioning of removable bollards to improve definition of staff and student communities and prevent student vehicle movement within the staff community 8 Warden’s flat located within residential community, providing surveillance and pastoral care 9 Additional accommodation at E1 due to reduction in rooms adjacent to the Plantation Park staff housing 10 Townhouses reconfigured 5 1 3 4 2 9 8 10 7 15 Lindsay Hall 8 8 6 One terrace of townhouses removed 12 Lindsay North reconfigured to maximise views 13 Courtyards straightened and widened 14 Cut-throughs enlarged to provide increased visual and pedestrian connectivity 11 12 11 5 14 13 Holly Cross & The Oaks 15 Improved social facilities subject to student consultation. Currently Proposed Master Plan To view the information presented at the previous consultation, please visit our website: Accommodation Enhancement and Expansion