Accommodation Enhancement and Expansion boards | Page 5

Barnes Hall Colour + Contrast Landscape Design N A L C S D E P A A Landscape Rich in Colour & Contrast PROPOSED ENERGY CENTRE, RECYCLING CENTRE AND CYCLE STORE In designed parks and gardens, colour within the landscape was used as an accent or to draw the eye. The majority of colour was used in formal garden planting and seasonal tree foliage. Contrasting elements were used to accentuate one’s experience of the landscape. Contrasts often included a change between man made and natural features such as a mown lawn adjacent to a wildflower meadow for example. The proposals use a simple and contemporary layout of wide, interconnecting routes from north to south and east to west. These routes provide pedestrian and cycle connections to and from the Hub and the wider University campus. A PROPOSED NEW PARKING ALONG BARNES HALL ROAD - CIRCA 28 SPACES A Bold colour is to be used as an accent in the planting, street furniture and landscape features. These accents of colour will be used at key junctions, building entrances or as focal points within the landscape. B Both formal ornamental planting and informal native planting will be used adjacent to one another in order to create visual contrast within the planting. A w Vie Features that cast interesting shadows across the landscape will be used. B LANDSCAPED COURTYARD SPACES BETWEEN BUILDINGS FOR STUDENT AMENITY B B PROPOSED EXTENSION OF EXISTING CAR PARK PROPOSED HARD PAVED PLAZA PROVIDING SOCIAL AND GATHERING SPACE ADJACENT TO THE HUB. AREA TO INCLUDE A FEATURE CANOPY DESIGNED TO CAST SHADOWS ON THE GROUND NURSERY ROAD EXTENDED INTO THE DEVELOPMENT IN ORDER TO PROVIDE ACCESS FOR EMERGENCY, REFUSE AND MAINTENANCE VEHICLES Proposed New Social Hub and Reception Proposed Recycling Centre PROPOSED TREE PLANTING ALONG NEW BARNES ROAD IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH A CONTINUOUS CANOPY, I.E. A WILDLIFE CORRIDOR PROPOSED WETLAND FOR SURFACE WATER ATTENUATION. INCLUDES WILDFLOWER GARDEN AND STEPPED EDGES FOR SEATING Proposed Secure Cycle Parking A Proposed Townhouses B Proposed Cluster Flats Barnes Hall