Accessibility for All Magazine August 2024 | Page 72

Deaf Insights
might attribute different meanings to similar finger configurations .
• For example , the Hard Rock sign — made by extending the index and pinky fingers while the thumb holds down the middle and ring fingers — symbolizes rock and roll .
• Similarly , the Hang Loose sign , or " shaka ," involves extending the thumb and pinky while curling the other fingers , originating from Hawaiian surf culture to convey a relaxed sentiment .
• Some gang signs can also resemble the ILY handshape when oriented differently , leading to potential misunderstandings .
Recognizing these similarities is crucial to ensure clear communication and avoid misinterpretations due to the varied cultural and contextual meanings of these gestures .
There is also a risk of TOKENISM , where hearing people might use the ILY gesture superficially without engaging deeply with Deaf culture and language , thereby undermining its intended significance .
Understanding the proper contexts of these handshapes helps maintain the ILY gesture ' s true meaning and fosters genuine connections across different communities .
Not a Universal Language , but a True Universal Symbol of ILY
The ILY ( I Love You ) handshape is like a little hug from American Sign Language ( ASL ) to the world ! While it ' s not a universal language , it carries a heartwarming message of love and connection that many people recognize . This special gesture is deeply rooted in ASL and holds unique cultural and linguistic significance within the Deaf community . Even though it may not be understood across all sign languages and cultures , the ILY handshape beautifully symbolizes a universal feeling of affection and positivity . So , while it might not speak every language , many feel its warm embrace !
International true facts : the ILY Handshape
When I spoke to my friend Sariyah Ibrahim in Kuala Lumpur , she explained that the ILY handshape isn ’ t a universal sign because each mother tongue lacks an exact translation that matches the ASL gesture . For example , in Malay , " Saya cinta padamu " and " Aku cinta padamu " convey " I Love You " but don ' t visually match the ILY handshape .
I also learned from my friend Nancy Goduto in Toronto about Brazil ' s unique version of the ILY handshape . Her friend , who used to live in Brazil , uses a " 3 " ( frontward ) handshape to say , " I Love You ." Though not universal , both the ILY and the " 3 " handshapes uniquely convey the sentiment of love .
True and fun facts about the ILY Handshape :
Presidential Endorsement :
Former U . S . President Jimmy Carter used the ILY handshape during his 1977 inauguration parade , becoming the first president to use sign language at a public event , which was a significant gesture of inclusion .
Marvel Superheroes :
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe , characters like Spider-Man use the ILY handshape in their poses , helping spread awareness of its meaning to a global audience .
Social Media Influencers :
Deaf influencers , including Nyle DiMarco and Angela Lynn , host of The Angela Lynn Show , use the ILY handshape in their posts to advocate for Deaf culture and sign language , increasing visibility and awareness .
Emoji Inclusion :
The ILY handshape was added as an emoji in 2017 , allowing widespread use on platforms like WhatsApp , X , Instagram , and
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