Accessibility for All Magazine August 2024 | Page 64

Photo Credit : Louise Baker Lee
Photo Credit : Credit Lauren
I got so many opportunities ! It really opened doors up for me and everything just kept coming after that .
When I was born , the doctor told Mom and Dad that life would be hard for me . He told them that I may never talk , I may never walk , and I may never be able to hold a job . He imagined a very different life than the one I am living right now .
If that ’ s something a doctor can say , then imagine . . .
How did you get involved with the ASSUME I CAN campaign ? What does this kind of work mean to you ?
The National Down Syndrome Society ( NDSS ) reached out and told me that CoorDown and the Small Agency were shooting a new campaign for World Down Syndrome Day and that I should send in a self-tape , so I did ! When I found out I got it , I was so excited but had no idea what to expect . We shot in Barcelona and that was amazing . The crew and everyone on set were so encouraging and so nice . I had no idea that I was going to be the main star for the whole ad ! The response has been overwhelming in the best way and seeing the impact it ’ s made on so many people , has been incredible . We still have a lot of work to do for people with disabilities , but this was a big step in the right direction !
Every great individual has a great support system . Who has been there for you throughout your journey ?
So many people ! First off , my Mom ,
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