Accessibility for All Magazine August 2024 | Page 57

Autistic people are still the most unemployed of all the disabilities at a staggering 80 % being unemployed or underemployed . ~ Bart Vulliamy
plants there are , and how each one requires a different amount of sunlight , water or soil in order to thrive in its environment . It goes the same way for autistic and all other disabled people . We all require a different variation of needs , services and accommodations .
If you buy a plant , put it in the corner of your office with no sunlight and you only water it twice a week , it ’ s not going to thrive . The environment it ’ s in does not work for the plant . This doesn ’ t mean the plant is defective , it means the environment needs changing . This is exactly how neuroaffirming care works . It ’ s about changing the environment instead of changing the person and administering behaviour therapy .
RESOURCES Acceptance vs Awareness
Neuroaffirming care values the strengths and differences of autistic people , those with ADHD or other profiles . Here ’ s how . . .
Advocates for Spectrum Knowledge
Masking to Get a Job ( And Choosing When Not To )
Autistic people are still the most unemployed of all the disabilities at a staggering 80 % being unemployed or underemployed . ~ Bart Vulliamy


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Accessibilty for All 57