Accessibility for All Magazine August 2024 | Page 52

Feature Story

Trexo Robotics is pioneering mobility solutions for children with disabilities

Manmeet Maggu Co-founder & CEO Trexo Robotics
Rahul Udas Co-founder & CTO Trexo Robotics
Every child deserves the chance to walk , run , and explore freely , without physical limitations holding them back . Trexo Robotics is making this dream a reality , step by joyful step . Co-founded by visionary engineers Manmeet Maggu and Rahul Udasi , this groundbreaking company is revolutionizing the future for children with mobility challenges through their innovative exoskeletons .
Trexo Robotics ' journey began with a deeply personal mission . Manmeet Maggu ' s nephew , Praneit , was diagnosed with cerebral palsy , a condition that severely restricted his ability to walk . Faced with the inadequacy of existing solutions , Manmeet and Rahul harnessed their robotics expertise to create something truly transformative . “ We decided to use our robotics background to build something for Praneit ,” Manmeet shared .
In 2016 , they crafted their first exoskeleton prototype in their living room . Packed into a suitcase and flown to India , this rudimentary model enabled Praneit to take his first steps — a moment Manmeet still considers the proudest of his life . This breakthrough fueled their determination to refine their design , making it more advanced and userfriendly .
As interest from families , hospitals , and clinics grew , the duo realized their invention was not just for their family , but for families around the world . In 2017 , Trexo Robotics was officially incorporated and Manmeet and Rahul then devoted themselves full-time to perfecting their exoskeleton .
Trexo Robotics ' mission is to make walking accessible to everyone who desires it . While their primary focus is on children due to the significant unmet need , their technology can also benefit adults in the future . They believe walking is a fundamental human right , and everyone should have the opportunity to experience it .
The benefits of walking extend beyond the physical . Children using the Trexo exoskeleton gain not just mobility , but independence , self-confidence and a sense of inclusion . Imagine the joy of playing in the park , joining a gym class , or simply strolling through a mall — experiences many take for granted but are life-changing for these children .
The exoskeletons are designed to be both comfortable and functional . A standout feature is the initiation engine , which detects how much a child is assisting or resisting movement . " While the child is walking unengaged , the initiation score will be close to 0 . If they ' re really pushing
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