Accessibility for All Magazine August 2024 | Page 44

Feature Story

AWL Electricity powers a future without cords

Francois Beauchamp-Verdon Chief Operations Officer
In the bustling metropolis of Montreal , Canada , amid the hum of innovation lies a story that ’ s as electrifying as it is inspiring . Engineer , Emmanuel Glen , whose fascination with Nikola Tesla and the wonders of electricity was ignited at the tender age of sixteen , has conjured up inventions and technology prototypes that most of us could only dream of . AWL Electricity is his brainchild . Passion met purpose . He is blending cutting-edge technology with a profound social mission — a future without cords to restore independence to those who need it .
The Genesis of AWL Electricity
AWL Electricity is the product of a serendipitous meeting of minds driven by a shared vision to make the world a better place . Emmanuel , the brain behind the breakthrough technology , teamed up with his co-founders during an internship at a company developing robotic arms for the paralyzed . Emmanuel ’ s brilliance shone through his invention of wireless electricity — a concept that needed direction and a market to conquer .
Together , they embarked on a journey that led them through Montreal ’ s entrepreneurial accelerator programs , where they fine-tuned their technology and business model . But what truly set their hearts on fire was the realization of their technology ’ s potential to change lives — especially for those with mobility challenges .
The Mission and Vision
AWL Electricity ’ s mission is as clear as a bolt of lightning on a dark night : to use their wireless power technology to create products with high social impact . Their vision is to not only make life easier but to redefine autonomy and dignity for people with disabilities . Their inaugural product , a wireless charger for power wheelchairs and mobility scooters , epitomizes this vision .
Think of a world where mobility devices charge seamlessly without the cumbersome tangle of wires . Where charging stations are as ubiquitous and easy to use as public benches . AWL Electricity is pioneering this future , transforming the mundane act of charging into a dignified , empowering , convenient experience .
Breaking Boundaries with Innovation
What makes AWL Electricity ’ s technology stand out in the crowded field of wireless power solutions ? It ’ s the ingenuity of using electric fields instead of magnetic ones . While magnetic fields generate heat and pose various technical challenges , electric fields offer a safer , more efficient alternative . This novel approach not only prevents overheating but also ensures a more reliable and flexible charging experience .
The technology , initially appearing as a farfetched dream , has been meticulously developed into a practical solution . It ’ s now on the cusp of revolutionizing the way we think about power and mobility . With just a simple mat under your power wheelchair or mobility scooter , charging becomes as easy as parking your device .
Overcoming Challenges
The road to innovation is never a smooth one , and AWL Electricity ’ s journey is no exception . From navigating stringent regulations about placing devices on the floor to designing a unique wire
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