Accessibility for All Magazine August 2024 | Page 18

Photo Credit : Sasha Blair-Goldensohn

Finding voice , paths to understanding , and accessible routes by Saada Branker

In 2017 , the Disability Rights Advocates ( DRA ) launched two lawsuits against New York City ’ s Metropolitan Transportation Authority ( MTA ) on behalf of a coalition of disability rights groups . The suit accused the authority of systemic exclusion of disabled individuals and elevator maintenance neglect . Sasha Blair-Goldensohn was one of the plaintiffs . Getting to his job at Google , he had no direct route due to inaccessible stations . That inaccessibility meant that Sasha had to transfer and use four elevators . His testimonial back then captured the reality for far too many subway commuters in New York City :
“ The lack of elevators doubles my commute time , at best . And if just one elevator is out of service , I ’ m stuck ,” said Sasha . “ I never know when I ’ ll have to ask strangers to carry me up the stairs in my wheelchair . It ’ s nerve-wracking , dangerous , and degrading .”
Sasha also attended rallies , demonstrating with advocacy groups comprised of people with disabilities and abled allies . Together they demanded change and compliance with the ADA ( Americans with Disabilities Act ). Their message : Elevators are for everyone . Six years later , one of the lawsuits came to a settlement binding the MTA to make 95 % of its subway stations ADA-accessible with elevators and / or ramps by 2055 . In April this year , a Manhattan federal judge officially approved the settlement , marking a significant victory for disability rights . The MTA has meanwhile stepped up its pace , recently installing six ADA-compliant elevators in stations on two subway lines and bringing the number of accessible stations to 151 . The New York City subway system has 472 stations .
SASHA : It ' s certainly not over . There ' s a second part of the case which is that the elevators not only have to exist , [ they have ] to
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