September Newsletter
Current Events
Link to Addison’s events for September:
Access Business Centers is thrilled to have
Abacus Group join us. They are busy getting
settled in, but we will do our best to get them
introduced to you at an upcoming client appreciation event.
Remember September 11th!
Guess what is coming up next month?
ABC’s 2nd Annual Taste of Access!!!
For those of you who were not here last year, let
us explain. It is like the Taste of Addison but
better. Access has so many clients that are from
all over, like China, Spain, Switzerland, Mexico,
different states of the U.S. and many more.
We will begin coordinating this event soon and
ask for your participation! What we request is that
you email [email protected]
the name of a dish from your ethnicity, tradition,
or upbringing, which you can bring along with
the country, state or tradition it’s from.
This will not be until our October Client
Appreciation Event, so there is still
plenty of time to think about.
Client Appreciation/Networking Event
will be held in the lounge on Thursday,
September 18th from 12:00pm-1:00pm.
This event will be a little different as there will
not be an agenda. It will be on a first come first
serve basis! Pizza is on the menu, so grab
a plate and don’t be late.
Feel free to stay and network with others.
There are still quite a few of our respected clients
that have not liked Access Business Centers on
Facebook or followed us on LinkedIn.
For those of you who have not liked our social
media links please do so! They are provided here
for you to click to make it easy!
Ask your friends to like us as well. The more likes,
the better Google presence we can obtain.
ht ps:/ twit es busines c ht ps:/ www.facebo es Busines Centers
ht p:/ w es -busines -centers
All the dishes will be brought into the lounge and
Brooklynn will put name tags on each. Everyone
will have an opportunity of tasting the culture
here at Access. Are you excited? We are!
Fantastic Food! Must try!
We have a brand new partnership with them.
Ask Brooklynn for details!
Go to Website
If you need help marketing any of your events
or news for your company. We would love to
help you. Send Yesenia, our lovely Executive
Receptionist, everything you would like to blast
on our social media accounts.
We are here to be an extension of your business
and want to help YOU any way we can.