Access All Areas Spring 2024 | Page 13


Tackling gender discrimination in the events industry

The Network of Women in Events ( NOWIE ) chair Cat Kevern discusses the organisation ’ s vision of diversity and plans for the coming year

On the surface , the landscape for women in the events industry looks rosy . With women making up 76.9 % of the global pool of events professionals , this sector is unquestionably female-dominated . Or is it ?

It is only when we look deeper into the nuance of this industry that an ugly problem becomes apparent . While women make up over three quarters of event professionals , only 22.62 % of them occupy roles in the top level of seniority , compared with 46.43 % of men . This trend is also seen across pay , promotions and career satisfaction . Women are still experiencing the demonstrable impact of a glass ceiling , preventing them from achieving career success in alignment with their male counterparts .
Perhaps you ’ re wondering whether men are just better at these jobs ? Well , research by MIT found that women were likely to be overlooked for promotions despite outperforming their male colleagues ; even with high performance ratings , women were labelled as having ‘ low potential ’. This is not a skill issue , but a flawed perception that women are less capable of leadership .
So how can we make a difference ? That ’ s exactly what we ’ re figuring
Cat Kevern
out . NOWIE was established in 2013 with the aim of building a future where women across the industry are recognised for their ability and empowered to succeed . Last year , we took a big step towards that goal with the launch of our mentoring scheme , Level Up . Now in its second year , Level Up matches early to mid-level women in events with a senior-level mentor , to explore topics of confidence , personal branding , selfreflection and more . These pairings are carefully crafted , ensuring that each mentor has in-depth knowledge to offer within the mentee ’ s specific areas of interest . Due to unprecedented demand , the Level Up cohort has more than doubled in size this year .
My own experiences as both a mentee and mentor have been pivotal in shaping my career , and I firmly believe in its power to challenge gender inequality in the industry ; but don ’ t take my word for it - Leeds Beckett University agrees . They investigated the impact on participants five years after finishing a mentoring programme which was aimed specifically at advancing the careers of women in the events industry . Previous mentees and mentors were found to have experienced long-term changes in their confidence , career outcomes and attitudes towards equality .
Spurred on by the overwhelming response to Level Up , we are more determined than ever . Our plans for this year are already in motion , kicking off with an exciting new committee appointment as Sian Morse steps into a new role as head of commercial and finance .
With our second Galentine ’ s Day Networking Event selling out in under 48 hours , we are devising many more opportunities to connect with our network in-person . NOWIE will be appearing at Day 2 of the Event Production Show between 10:15-15:30 , to host an array of panels , titled Career Crossroads - Freelance or Employed ?, The Power of Linkedin , What I Wish I Knew When I Started , and more .
You ’ ll find us at Production Futures : On Tour on 9 February , where the team and I will be available to answer questions and chat all about the industry ! I will also be taking to the stage with my wonderful Level Up mentee , Georgie Chappell , to share 10 Things We Wish We Knew When We Started Our Careers .
An improvement in gender equality in top-level roles is the single biggest change I hope to see in this industry . While NOWIE cannot solve the problem of gender discrimination single-handedly , we are determined to remain at the forefront of propelling women towards the success they deserve . What we know for certain is that , when we come together to impart our knowledge , share our insights and uplift one another , real change is inevitable .