Access All Areas October 2021 | Page 11


Things can only get

better ?

Clare Goodchild , director at events production company We Organise Chaos , considers the unprecedented challenges events professions have faced this season and what the future is likely to hold
Clare Goodchild

To put it lightly , 2020 was a challenging year for the outdoor event industry . We had to overcome being decimated by closures , unemployment , and cancelled shows ; awaiting the return to normal we learnt words like ‘ pivot ’, and to earn our money in other places . The return to events has been far from a return to normal , we might be back in a field but we have faced some of the toughest challenges to date .

After the ‘ roadmap ’ was announced in February , it was clear there was no cast-iron guarantee we would enjoy a summer of shows . The lack of clarity , guidance , guarantees , and financial support created an inordinately large risk for the sector . We are specialists in managing risk but some events would have been gambling their entire future to proceed , and the cost was justifiably too much .
For those able to proceed , often organisers were understandably cautious to commit time and money without guidance or insurance .
As a festival ops director , I work on planning shows for a least nine months of the year , but in 2021 we delivered shows where our planning was condensed to just a few months . The pressure on the sector was immense .
In cases where shows went ahead , our usual staffing pools were dry . On many occasions this year I was told that people had left the industry or taken on another role . Festivals are specialist ; they are high risk and unique events demanding a mix of skills , experience , knowledge and people who can work in a temporary and changeable environment . However , in 2020 , 77 % of this workforce lost 100 % of their income . In these conditions , we couldn ’ t have expected that people would be able to stick it out , and so we moved into 2021 being shortstaffed and with skills gaps .
This year hasn ’ t just been a struggle for organisers . The wider supply chain has been tested , with contractors also battling to find staff . The uncertainty surrounding the
return of events cultivated a lack of confidence in the supply chain , and the difficulty promoters faced with committing to costs only heightened this . Contractors were unable to commit to shows , and organisers struggled to find replacements when competing with testing centres and building sites . Those who overcame these struggles were often hit with the well-publicised transport and trucking issues , causing unwelcomed unpredictability to complex builds .
Challenges were also felt by the individual . I wasn ’ t aware until recently that event management ranks fifth on the list of most stressful jobs . I ’ d debate it might be higher after the past few months . Returning to a job after such a long time compounded with the added challenges of this season , has been tough on the mental health of our workforce . Our staff have been prone to burnout , fatigue , and stress . We need to step-up and collectively address this as
a priority before we lose more skilled people .
As the outdoor season is ending , I have reflected on the impact it has had . We have overcome some huge challenges , proved our resilience , demonstrated our flexibility , delivered a commitment to safety , and moved forward as a more collaborative sector . Let ’ s not forget that we have awoken the government , the media , and the public to our cultural importance , our abilities , and our needs . It has been a challenging 18 months that we can be proud of , and that will shape us moving forward ; but the tough times are not over yet . Our supply chain is still shaken ; shows are still cancelling ; staff are still leaving the industry ; and we have new challenges like mandatory health certification and Martyn ’ s law yet to come . We might have got through this season , but the battle continues to ensure that every show can happen , our staff and supply chain are protected , and 2022 is less challenging for all .