Access All Areas October 2019 | Page 58

OCTOBER | ME, MYSELF & I Jennifer Davidson The founder and MD of Sleek Events, explains why forming habits has been instrumental in her personal and business success over the last four years When I started Sleek Events, I read Hal Elrod’s book The Miracle Morning which focuses on ‘Live S.A.V.E.R.S’ that will transform your life all before 8am. It made an instant impact on me. I began consciously improving my habits on a personal level and it began my crusade for wellbeing. Soon after, that passion for wellbeing spilled over into the business and is now an integral part of our company culture. 58 finishing important tasks - prioritise your list, write it down and break it into smaller tasks if necessary. It all seems so simple but how many of us find ourselves picking off the easy tasks from our to-do list? We look at the end of the day and see how much we have accomplished; but were they the most valuable tasks to reach your objectives? One of my habits is to read or listen to at least one book for professional development each month, taking 15 focused minutes each and every morning as a minimum. I have a list of recommended titles which I select from, I choose based on either a challenge I may be facing or a subject that has piqued my interest recently. Working in the events industry, we struggle to raise our heads above the parapet, there’s a reason why we’re listed in the top five most stressful careers by our colleagues in the US year after year. I’ve searched for a similar survey in the UK, but it seems a moot point, we all know what the results would be! So, I urge everyone to take the time to consider wellbeing at the heart of your careers. Four years on, the latest book I read took me back to the subject of forming habits once again - this time to avoid procrastination: Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy. He talks about the habit of starting and Try to form three habits, practising each day for a month: one for relaxation, one for professional development and one for energising your body. Ask my team at Sleek – there’s definitely something in it.