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LIVE joins Government Brexit group

Live music industry umbrella body Live newly established companies . music Industry Venues & Entertainment Stanley said , “ Brexit created a ( LIVE ) said it has accepted a real threat to the way our worldleading sector operated . Frictionless
Government invitation to join its UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement movement and trade are core to
Domestic Advisory Group ( DAG ).
European touring , so to protect our
The move will see LIVE collectively sector we have worked tirelessly to represent the entire entertainment and find effective and rapid solutions to our cultural industries on the DAG , and problems . provide it an opportunity to emphasise “ Our appointment to the DAG is the impact of Brexit on the live music another major step in protecting our and events industry . industry and creating an environment The DAG is a consultative body set where we can continue to nurture by the Government in order for it to hear young talent and provide them with from representatives of the industries the opportunities needed to build most affected by the agreed terms of successful careers .” the Brexit deal , including the energy , LIVE said its immediate priority will retail and food industries . be raising the outstanding issues facing
LIVE has secured significant the live entertainment sectors which changes in regulation from the EU and include : UK Governments via its Touring Group , • The need for non-onerous , zero- or headed by Marshall Arts promoter low-cost work and travel reciprocal Craig Stanley . They include the removal arrangements for musicians and other of costly visas to tour across Spain industry professionals across all EU and securing a temporary mechanism member states , especially those such that reduces restrictive cabotage as Croatia which still have complex regulations limiting the movement of processes for visas . touring trucks ( p31 ).
• The introduction of tailored bridging
The UK is currently the second support and special measures to allow biggest exporter of music in the for own account vehicles and smaller world , and Europe is its closest and haulage operators to tour Europe most important international market . without the need to establish EU Under new rules created post-Brexit , operating bases .
European touring has become more
• Immediate financial support for expensive , more complicated , and industries to mitigate disruption more difficult to execute . This is caused by Brexit through a Transitional especially true for smaller artists and Support Package .

Industry views

“ We need our Government to take immediate action so that the many thousands of UK residents desperately trying to help people escape a warzone are actually able to do so .”
Glastonbury Festival co-owner Emily Eavis expresses frustration that after inviting two Ukrainian refugees to stay at Worthy Farm they have so far been prevented from doing so .
“ The latest IPCC report is crystal clear – we must reduce emissions 50 % by 2030 , or face an ' unliveable ' world . It ' s stark , and there are effective actions we can take now .”
Vision : 2025 chair / Shambala Festival co-founder Chris Johnson responds to a powerful speech by the UN Secretary General .
“ Not only is Coldplay championing remarkable clean tech solutions , but they are also engaging fans in a hitherto untried way – more of this please touring industry .”
Powerful Thinking chair and ZAP Concepts technical director Tim Benson on the ground-breaking environmental measures introduced on Coldplay ’ s Music of the Spheres tour .


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