Industry views
Managing partner
and executive
creative director
at HeyHuman,
Shnoosee Bailey:
Flying high
The inaugural KITE festival – a
three-day greenfield festival – has
officially launched via Kickstarter,
creating a community of ‘festival
founders’ who will help shape and
develop it.
The joint venture between
Neapolitan Music, the founders
of Love Supreme Jazz Festival
alongside U-Live and Tortoise
Media – which is the brainchild
of ex-BBC News director James
Harding and Katie Vanneck-Smith
ex-president of The Wall Street
Journal and Dow Jones – will take
place 12-14 June.
Access caught up with Ciro
Romano, festival director
How is your ownership structure
It’s a partnership between
ourselves, U-Live (who are our
partners on Love Supreme Festival
and Nocturne Live at Blenheim
Palace) and Tortoise Media which
is a new news platform set up by
James Harding who was editor
at The Times and head of BBC
News and Katie Vanneck Smith
who used to run Dow Jones and
Wall Street Journal. It’s very much
a unique structure in that we are
prioritising both elements of the
festival equally hence James and
Katie’s involvement. The Kickstarter
campaign is about creating early
word of mouth and finding early
adopters; people who like the
concept first and foremost before
we announce anything.
SLX CEO, Alastair
What were the major challenges?
Mostly people buying into the idea
as it is a relatively new concept.
Some people get it right away;
others less so. I think that’s normal
though when you are trying to do
something new and different.
How do you set yourself apart in a
competitive environment?
We set ourselves apart through
the concept and structure of the
festival and the diverse skill sets
and experience of the partners
rather than any particular artists
or speakers. The whole concept is
Paul Jackson of
Alison Price &
“Having Rio Ferdinand
on board for Guinness
Night Football is
one of the biggest
endorsements we could
get. The unexpected
activations are more
engaging, exciting and
emotionally charged
than any other African
football viewing
“After only four years
since our previous
warehouse upgrade, we
are moving again to allow
for further expansion.
There’s potential for some
exciting additions to our
offering made possible
by this, such as a state-
of-the-art visualisation
suite and a theatre space.”
manufacturers to deliver
training and outreach
activities in. As we look to
our future in this building,
we are also looking to
make it as eco-friendly as
“We are thrilled at the
prospect of becoming a
pivotal part of the Eventist
Group. We will continue
to push the boundaries of
stylish events and parties,
with our aim to exceed our
client’s expectations both
in the U.K. and further
afield. The support and
guidance that Tim and his
team will be able to impart
will be invaluable.”