3. Copenhagen Carnival: Copenhagen,
Denmark, 7-10 June 2019
should take
This relative
their family to
newcomer on
Copenhagen. There
the carnival
is a special program
scene has been
for children with
growing rapidly
various workshops,
over the years
performances and a
and has developed
separate parade.
into the largest
Hotel Tip:
Danish festival
The Tivoli Hotel
for World music
Copenhagen is
with traditional
located on the edge
samba, steelpan
of Copenhagen’s
and electronic
famous Tivoli
music with 2000
Gardens, only ten
dancers, 120 bands,
minutes’ walk from
and more than
Copenhagen Central
100,000 spectators
Station – making it
a fantastic place to
Insider Tip:
stay during carnival.
Carnival lovers
4. Fasnacht in Basel: Basel, Switzerland, 11-14
March 2019
Insider Tip: Only
The Basel
active participants
Carnival triggers
wear costumes.
a three-day state
Spectators should
of emergency. The
neither paint their
starting signal is
faces, nor wear
given on Monday
cardboard noses
at 4.00 a.m. – in
or fool’s caps – all
total darkness.
of this is frowned
The beloved
Hotel Tip:
transforms the city
Hotel Victoria
center into a sea of
is conveniently
lights from hand-
situated in the
painted lanterns,
center of Basel.
where thousands
Featuring seasonal
of disguised
and regional
drummers make
music. Because of its products, Le
uniqueness, it is part Train Bleu Bistrot
restaurant in the
of the immaterial
hotel offers delicious
Swiss cuisine.
Cultural Heritage.
5. Notting Hill Carnival: London, UK, 24-26
August 2019
Insider Tip:
Every year in
The Notting Hill
August, in the
Carnival App helps
perennially chic
to navigate through
Notting Hill
the neighborhood
and the different
Carnival takes
place during a long
Hotel Tip: The
weekend and lets
Royal Garden Hotel
West London sip
is close to High
coconut water, eat
Street Kensington
jerk chicken and
Tube Station and
dance until late
has excellent access
into the night. This
to transportation.
carnival is devoted
The hotel offers
to the traditions
panoramic views of
of the British West
Kensington Palace
Indian community.
and Gardens, Hyde
Notting Hill
Park and London’s
Carnival is music-
skyline. After
focused and
the celebrations,
includes the use of
guests enjoy the
large-scale sound
picturesque views
systems and live
whilst treating
performances, it’s
themselves to a
five main elements
selection of delicious
of carnival are:
and award-winning
Masquerade, Sound
Afternoon Tea
Systems, Steeldrum
Bands, Calypso and