r a i s i n g t h e b a r at
Protec European Events draws on the vast resources of the international Protec Group
to offer creative and inspired festival event technology solutions. With investments in
excess of USD 85 million of the industry’s preferred technologies across advanced
technology, audio, video, lighting, rigging and scenic & staging together with our team
of experienced industry professionals we have the resources and skills to support any
scale event and rise to any creative challenge, raising the bar of creativity to deliver
spectacular results.
Lighting Robotics Scenic & Staging
Outdoor Drones Full AV Indoor Drones
Your guide to our comprehensive event production technology and staging solutions.
UK:+44 (0) 845 900 0606 � UAE:+971 (0) 4 880 0092 � KSA:+966 (0) 50 096 3701
[email protected] � productiontec.co.uk