Access All Areas July/August 2018 | Page 40

JULY/AUGUST | SECTOR FOCUS SECONDARY ISSUE RFID RENAISSANCE Simon Carpenter, business development manager at Gigantic, strongly believes radio frequency identifi cation (RFID) is the next big trend for the industry. “If you’ve walked through the gates at some of the UK’s biggest music festivals recently, including Standon Calling and Eastern Electrics, you’ve probably experienced RFID technology. Using radio signals, the ‘smart bracelet’ has been dubbed a badge of honour for many festival fans who love the concept. “As it fast becomes a tangible technology for small and grassroots festivals to use as well, I’m certain it’s 40 going to take off . It’s not just about shorter queues and cashless payments, which I am sure is something everyone will be on board with. If developed and managed correctly then RFID technology can truly enhance the festival experience for the fans, as well as improve the event operation for the organiser. RFID technology can help create a safer festival site by eliminating fraud. Unlike traditional paper tickets, RFID wristbands are impossible to copy or duplicate, so if the fan loses theirs, real-time control of ticket data means the wristband can quickly be deactivated. “This all sounds amazing, right? But working out the strategy can be tough and many things can also go wrong if the RFID infrastructure isn’t developed correctly. Poor internet connectivity can bring the whole operation to a halt, so load testing and coverage needs to be planned accordingly; managing data securely and in line with new GDPR regulations must be fi ne-tuned; and staff and contractors must be trained in how to deal with the advance in technology.” After 20 years in the industry, Mo Jones (director at TheTicketSellers) believes one of the biggest problems facing the ticketing industry is still ticket fraud. “When it comes to sell out events, the secondary market of onward sales is an on-going challenge for ticketing agencies and event organisers – through more sophisticated technologies and new ticketing applications we are trying to reduce fraud related to our client’s events. “We issue tickets as close to the event date as possible, and for those that have tickets they can no longer use, we off er a resale platform where individuals can get their money back and the tickets are sold onto a waiting list. On top of this, we have been investing in new technology and a forward-thinking solution that we plan to launch early next year aiming to reduce the likelihood of fraud – so watch this space.” When asked how the sector is changing, Jones highlighted the increased use of smart phones to gain entry to events. “It goes without saying that we’re in a digital age and approximately 50% of event attendees at our client’s events last year presented their ticket at the gate on their smart phones as opposed to paper form. This means that scanning devices needs to be very effi cient in reading screens as well as paper to avoid long queues. Last year, we invested £300k in new scanning kit that is not only fast but also NFC.