Access All Areas February 2022 | Page 10


The evolution of OIOV

One Industry One Voice is evolving to become a data-led communications hub for the industry . Founder Rick Stainton explains the next step
Rick Stainton

Since its formation in July 2020 , cross-sector coalition One Industry One Voice ( OIOV ) set about bringing together the seven core events industry sectors , defined as business and consumer brand experiences , live music , exhibitions , outdoor events and festivals , weddings and private events , sports and cultural activations , and government / third sector events .

Its aim is simple in principle : to promote an active coalition of events industry associations , businesses , and event professionals to ensure stronger alignment and more effective communication , to champion wider awareness , understanding and engagement of the whole events industry – internally and externally .
Now it is time for the next step : to harness the power of data and connections .
OIOV is transforming into a dynamic , forwardthinking , more structured , and appropriately financed organisation , developed in partnership with the University of Surrey , whose events management faculty is rated first in Europe , to deliver a comprehensive
communications hub alongside an industry research and evaluation platform .
This will enable OIOV to showcase the power of events and range of sectors , expertise and networks . Secondly , it will demonstrate the broad range of skill sets and career opportunities , alongside diversity , inclusion , and sustainability programmes .
Thirdly , it will support existing trade associations and organisations by signposting to their information , resources , and campaigns . It will also research and communicate the social and economic impact of events across the UK .
Lastly , it will apply for around £ 1m in funding from independent sources including the EU Horizon fund , which has been successfully granted to the university for associated projects and programmes .
OIOV ’ s new revolutionary digital platform will essentially be the go-to comms hub for anyone that wants to learn more about the wider industry . Rich in content and kept current , it will work in parallel with an engagement app that all event professionals will be encouraged to download to their phones once launched later in the year .
This comms hub will promote the variety of tools and resources available from across the whole industry , providing insights and connections that will build on existing industry content sources brought together in one place , rather than conflict with or duplicate them . It will be used to promote closer collaboration , as well as supporting trade associations by signposting to their sector-specific organisations , resources , and content . It
will concurrently support better engagement with wider communities and key stakeholders outside the core industry , including educating next generation talent and encouraging inbound investment from a more robust understanding of the value of events .
This multi-platform approach also allows industry-led input of data from the app users into the multiple research focus areas . These can be standalone analysis projects or supporting