Accent On Tampa Bay #213 Sept/Oct 2015 Sept/Oct 2015 | Page 70

by Dr. Lori Verderame Dumpster or No Dumpster: Back to School Edition D umpster or No Dumpster™ is now a familiar game that many play during my TV appearances, at my antiques appraisal events, and via social media on www.Facebook. com/DoctorLori. After developing the game, I play it with folks as a fun way to help guide them through the process of figuring out what to trash and what’s worth cash! When faced with the decision about which items to pitch from a pile of school stuff, which items would you toss? Get ready to choose. Which would you dumpster? 1. A Munsters TV show lunchbox, circa 1970s 2. A classroom set of instructional cursive writing panels, circa 1960s 3. A macaroni picture frame, circa 1980s 4. Pokemon trading cards, circa 1990-2000s 5. A United States history textbook, circa 1965 Some people don’t realize how much money they are tossing out while cleaning out an attic, basement, storage unit, or vacant home. When you clean out a house and you come across old items that you don’t know about and don’t know their worth, remember they could have significant monetary value. Using H