Accent On Tampa Bay #213 Sept/Oct 2015 Sept/Oct 2015 | Page 50
Kennedy Space Center Visitor
Complex Invites Guests to ‘Fly With An
Astronaut’ - Sept 4 - 7
Reservations: 855-456-6597
Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is offering
a special, limited-time, limited-capacity program
called “Fly With An Astronaut” in which guests can
spend a thrilling half day experiencing the highlights
of Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, including
a ‘flight’ on Shuttle Launch Experience, with a veteran
NASA space shuttle astronaut. The program includes
admission to the visitor complex as well as a morning
of tours and activities guided by an astronaut. The
Fly With An Astronaut experience includes a catered
buffet lunch at the Apollo/Saturn V Center; a panoramic
photo stop at the Launch Complex (LC) 39 Observation
Gantry, which is otherwise not accessible to guests;
an autographed photo of the guest with the astronaut
hero; and a retail gift.
Emotions Dance Company Returns
with “The Shift” - Sept 25 - 27
Emotions Dance
Company, a professional
contemporary dance company that focuses on social
and environmental awareness through the art of
dance, presents its third annual installment of “ The
Shift.” The Company is teaming up with Contemporary,
Modern, and Improvisational Dance to allow audiences
the chance to experience new, experimental, and inprogress works—all under one roof. The performances
are scheduled for Friday September 25, 2015 at 8pm,
Saturday September 26, 2015 at 8pm, and Sunday
September 27, 2015 at 2pm. All performances will
be at the Mandell Theatre, located at the Lowndes
Shakespeare Center (812 E. Rollins St. Orlando).
Here Comes The Sun: Beatlemania Hits
Madame Tussauds Orlando
Good Day Sunshine. John, Paul, Ringo and George
continue the British Invasion at Madame Tussauds
Orlando. The figures of the Fab Four are set in a pose
that pays tribute to the 1969 Abbey Road album cover,
which ca