Accelerate Experience Design with Design-driven innovation and Human-centred design approach Accelerate Experience Design | Page 60

the meaning of brand story and express in their own words because their personal There are two types of nar r atives created for Cr aftventure interactions with customers will further define individual customer’s brand story. • Fir st Nar r ative: Realistic This chapter will emphasize how I use the principle from “Design and Story”, especially the development of storyboards, to design narratives for the brand Craftventure. The stor y features the protagonist as one of the NEETs (neither employed, in education or tr aining) in cur rent 20th centur y wor ld and a young tour ist. The mood of the stor y is str aightforward, war m and invit- NARRATIVE DESIGN To create a nar r ative that suppor ts the explor ation of the ser vice idea, we can use Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Jour ney” patter n to star t with. There are 17 stages representing Depar ture , Initiation and Retur n. The hero, or the protagonist of Cr aftventure , begins in the ordinar y wor ld and he receives the call to enter an unknown wor ld. He will encounter events, challenges or tr ials in the unknown wor ld either alone or with other help. If the hero sur vives the challenge , he gets reward. If the hero decides to retur n to the ordinar y wor ld, he will encounter another challenge on the way back, if he sur vives again, he will retur n home with the power or knowledge (award) acquired on the jour ney. 60 ing and the environment and inter action descr ibed is ver y close to the ser vice exper ience we’re designing for.