Accelerate Experience Design with Design-driven innovation and Human-centred design approach Accelerate Experience Design | Page 55
We are at a critical point where rapid change is
forcing us to look not just to new ways of solving problems but to new problems to solve.
Tim Brown
With the outcome from analysis phase, we have observation insights from user as well as
market insight from research. To move to real world solutions, we need to narrow and
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cull information and translate insights about the reality of today into a set of opportunities in the future 27. This process will be more abstract than previous one and then we
will generate concept of solution with different means of visualization for better com-
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munication and evaluation.
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Craftventure involves several stakeholders: craftsman, young people as tourists/NEETs/
residence, artisan network and association, government territory development, logistics
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provider...etc. Each stakeholder has relationship thru the exchange of values: in the form
of information, material, currency or transactions that benefit mutual participant. Value
analysis network is used to illustrate the value exchange flow in between stakeholders in
order to identify future opportunities based on the current value network exploration.
IDEO. (2012). Human Centered Design Toolkit 2nd edition.
Value analysis network