Accelerate Experience Design with Design-driven innovation and Human-centred design approach Accelerate Experience Design | Page 11

In accordance with Norman and Verganti’s discussion, Norman, as one of the originator of human-centered design 14, realized that the iterative and continual process applied in HCD of checking with the intended users would indeed lead to incremental enhance- However, the importance of HCD cannot be neglected, such as the influence of empathy and iterative rapid prototyping do bring the depth when it comes to experience design. ments of the product, but that it actually was a form of hill-climbing, a well-known mathematical procedure for finding local optimization 15. The hill-climbing dilemma illustrates the employment of HCD is important when it comes to the incremental im- EXPERIENCE DESIGN APPROACH The philosophy of Craftventure’s approach has to deploy the benefit of radical change of meaning as well as the depth of experience design as the aims of this project is to: • create new service (in the sense of new meaning) • for EXPO 2015 (a specific event and experience) • to promote sustainability (guiding principle) • thru hospitality, mobility, information and restaurant management (forms of service) Norman and Verganti suggested one promising direction towards the development of radical innovation is to modify the human-centered design process to require simultaneous development of multiple ideas and prototypes (Norman, D. A., Verganti, R., Group, N. provement or optimization of current context yet it’s less possible for a radical leap un- N., & Bio, D. A. N., 2012)16. In consequence, I adapted the main principle from both less there’s a change of meaning or introduction of new technology. design-driven innovation and human-centered design in forming this approach for Craftventure with the mindset of Strategic Design. The hill-climbing paradigm applied to incremental and radical innovation (Norman, Verganti, 2011) According to Francesco Zurlo, Strategic Design is a mindset that17 14 Norman and Draper 1986; Norman 1998 15 Norman, D. A., Verganti, R., Group, N. N., & Bio, D. A. N. (2012). INCREMENTAL AND R ADICAL INNOVATION : D ESIGN RESEARCH VERSUS TECHNOLOGY AND M EANING C HANGE, (2011), 2 16 Norman, D. A., Verganti, R., Group, N. N., & Bio, D. A. N. (2012). INCREMENTAL AND R ADICAL INNOVATION : D ESIGN RESEARCH VERSUS TECHNOLOGY AND M EANING C HANGE, (2011), 17 17 Zurlo, F. (2012). Strategic Design Lecture. Design Department, Politecnico Di Milano 11