ACC 700 MENTOR Great Stories / ACC 700 MENTOR Great Stories / | Page 7
individual tax situations. Ms. Shire has questions and concerns about
her personal income taxes, as well as taxes as they relate to her role
in a partnership with
Marlene Anderson. She also works at Clifford Co., a large
organization set up as a corporation, and has questions about their
tax preparation. You will work with
Ms. Emma Shire to provide her with guidance on her questions
related to personal, partnership, and corporate tax situations. You
will need to apply income tax
regulations in solving problems and recommending courses of action
that will comply with regulations and, at the same time, result in the
best economic solution
for Ms. Emma Shire.
Artifact Three: Tax Memo I Information for Personal Income Tax
Ms. Shire has provided you with the following information to prepare
her personal income tax return for 2014.
Emma Shire lives at 5258 Mountain Skies Road, College Park, MD
20742. She is a human resource manager at Clifford Company, 896
Western Avenue, College
Park, MD 20742 (employer identification number XX-1111111). She
is also a 50/50 partner in a local clothing boutique. Ms. Shire is
divorced and has two small
children, Kelly Shire (DOB 2/3/2012) and Jordan Shire (DOB