ACC 700 MENTOR Great Stories / ACC 700 MENTOR Great Stories / | Page 19
At the end of each month, the total of the trial balance of customer
account balances (prepared by the accounts receivable department)
are reconciled to the
general ledger control account by the accounting department
Sales invoice batches are dated with the date of shipment, and totals
of each batches are accumulated each month and recorded in the
accounts receivable
control and sales revenue accounts. The accounting department
supervisor approves all monthly summary entries before posting to
the general ledger.
The controller approves all cash refunds and allowance credit memos
for sales returns, after initiation by customer service.
Cash Management
The monthly bank statements are mailed to the controller’s office.
Duplicate deposit slips are retained and used when bank deposits are
made, the cash receipts
journal listing, and the cash disbursements listing to reconcile the
general bank accounts. The payroll bank account is also reconciled,
utilizing the payroll register
retained by the controller’s office.
The assistant controller oversees all cash management and activity,
including the performance of the bank account reconciliation for each
bank account held by
the company. The assistant controller compares the cash receipts
journal and daily deposit records with the bank deposits and
duplicate deposit slips during the