ACC 700 MENTOR Extraordinary Success/ ACC 700 MENTOR Extraordinary Success/acc700mentor | Page 7

less demanding than those for the final submission. Once you have submitted this milestone and received feedback from your instructor, it is up to you to incorporate this feedback and complete the artifact by meeting the submission requirements found in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document. Client Three – Ms. Emma Shire (Tax Memo) Ms. Emma Shire is a client at S.N.H.U., LLC. Your task is to develop a comprehensive, professional tax memo and appendix for her by analyzing business and individual tax situations. Ms. Shire has questions and concerns about her personal income taxes, as well as taxes as they relate to her role in a partnership with Marlene Anderson. She also works at Clifford Co., a large organization set up as a corporation, and has questions about their tax preparation. You will work with Ms. Emma Shire to provide her with guidance on her questions related to personal, partnership, and corporate tax situations. You will need to apply income tax regulations in solving problems and recommending courses of action that will comply with regulations and, at the same time, result in the best economic solution for Ms. Emma Shire.