ACC 700 MENTOR Extraordinary Success/ ACC 700 MENTOR Extraordinary Success/acc700mentor | Page 13

conceptual and dollar value terms. Address Ms. Shire’s questions pertaining to Clifford Co.’s tax preparation. Provide specific recommendations, defend them with tax regulations, and explain the tax consequences or savings in conceptual and dollar value terms. Supporting documents should include, but are not limited to: a completed tax return, tax schedules, and tax forms. Guidelines for Submission: Tax Memo I should be submitted as a one- to two-paragraph summary in a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least two sources cited in APA format. Round all answers up to the nearest dollar value in any calculations. Tax Memo II should be submitted as a one- to two-paragraph summary in a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least two sources cited in APA format. Note that this milestone is a rough draft and the submission guidelines are different for the final draft of the memos. Tax Memo I will be two to three pages in length and Tax Memo II will be one to two pages in length with at least three sources. Refer to the submission guidelines in the Final Project Guidelines and