Acc 700 mentor Career Begins/ Acc 700 mentor Career Begins/ | Page 8

for Ms . Emma Shire .
Artifact Three : Tax Memo I Information for Personal Income Tax Preparation
Ms . Shire has provided you with the following information to prepare her personal income tax return for 2014 .
Emma Shire lives at 5258 Mountain Skies Road , College Park , MD 20742 . She is a human resource manager at Clifford Company , 896 Western Avenue , College
Park , MD 20742 ( employer identification number XX-1111111 ). She is also a 50 / 50 partner in a local clothing boutique . Ms . Shire is divorced and has two small
children , Kelly Shire ( DOB 2 / 3 / 2012 ) and Jordan Shire ( DOB 5 / 19 / 2006 ).
Ms . Shire was born on January 14 , 1976 , and her Social Security number is 123-45-6789 . She does not want to contribute $ 3 to the Presidential Election
Campaign Fund .
The following information is shown on Ms . Shire ’ s 2014 Wage and Tax Statement ( Form W – 2 ):
Line 1 2