Acc 700 mentor Career Begins/ Acc 700 mentor Career Begins/ | Page 13

their business to a corporation ? Provide specific recommendations , defend them with tax regulations , and explain the tax consequences or savings in
conceptual and dollar value terms .
Address Ms . Shire ’ s questions pertaining to Clifford Co .’ s tax preparation . Provide specific recommendations , defend them with tax regulations , and
explain the tax consequences or savings in conceptual and dollar value terms .
Supporting documents should include , but are not limited to : a completed tax return , tax schedules , and tax forms .
Guidelines for Submission : Tax Memo I should be submitted as a one- to two-paragraph summary in a Microsoft Word document with double spacing , 12-point
Times New Roman font , one-inch margins , and at least two sources cited in APA format . Round all answers up to the nearest dollar value in any calculations .
Tax Memo II should be submitted as a one- to two-paragraph summary in a Microsoft Word document with double spacing , 12-point Times New Roman font ,
one-inch margins , and at least two sources cited in APA format .
Note that this milestone is a rough draft and the submission guidelines are different for the final draft of the memos . Tax Memo I will be two to three pages in