ACC 700 help A Guide to career/ ACC 700 help A Guide to career/
ACC 700 Milestone One
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ACC 700 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
The first milestone is a rough draft of the first artifact for your
professional portfolio, financial statements and analysis. You will
complete a set of financials as
described in the appendix section of the prompt below for a fictitious
company called Chester Inc. You will then submit a report of your
findings and
recommendations. This will be graded using the rubric at the end of this
document and is an opportunity for you to organize your thoughts and
receive feedback
from your instructor for the final submission. You should note that the
submission guidelines for this milestone are less demanding than those
for the final
submission. Once you have submitted this milestone and received
feedback from your instructor, it is up to you to incorporate this
feedback and complete the
artifact by meeting the submission guidelines found in the Final Project
Guidelines and Rubric document.
Client One – Chester, Inc. (Financial Statements and Analysis)
Chester, Inc. is a large, publicly traded client at S.N.H.U., LLC. Your
task is to develop a comprehensive, professional report for the board of
directors. To do this,