ACC 700 Milestone Three
Principles ( GAAP ). Next , you will assess the performance of Chester , Inc . using the financial statements that you created , along with industry performance data and the financial statements of a competitor . In addition , Chester , Inc . is considering expanding into the global market . They would like you to highlight key areas of the financial statements you have prepared and identify how they would be reported differently if composed under International Financial Reporting Standards ( IFRS ) rather than GAAP . Background and Financial Information Chester , Inc . is a large , publicly traded client operating in athletic wear including clothing , shoes , and accessories . Direct competitors include Columbia Sportswear Company ( COLM – NYSE ) and Under Armour , Inc . ( UA – NYSE ). All of these companies operate in the textile-apparel clothing industry . Chester Inc . operates on a calendar year . Reference the Milestone One Chester Inc . Trial Balance spreadsheet for the past three years ’ financials ( 2013 , 2014 , and 2015 ). Additional information : ================================================
ACC 700 Milestone Three
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ACC 700 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric The third milestone is a rough draft of the third artifact for your professional portfolio , a tax memo . The tax memo is broken up into two parts : Tax Memo I is a