ACC 680 Final Project Final Project Submission International Accounti SNHU | Page 4

D . Given these differences , determine which disclosure standard ( s ) would be most appropriate for your company given their desire to expand globally , and explain why they would be appropriate .
E . Assess the impact that the convergence of GAAP and IFRS will have on investors of companies in the United States and in the global market .
F . Assess the impact that the convergence of GAAP and IFRS will have on firms similar to your company . In other words , how will its effect on investors and the global market affect the company ?
G . Explain the role of International Accounting Standards Board ( IASB ) in harmonization . How is the board created ? In other words , how does this support convergence ?
1 . What are your thoughts on how this may or may not impact your company ?
III . Global Market : For this part of the project , you will explain to your audience the impact that expanding into the global market will have on your decision-making tools and processes .
A . Analyze the potential issues in financial statement analysis when conducting business in the chosen country .
B . Make recommendations on how your company could avoid these financial statement analysis issues .
C . Analyze the international financial statement analysis process for potential benefits . In other words , what would be the benefits of international financial statement analysis despite the potential issues ?