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ACC 599 Week 7 Assignment 2 Accounting and auditing enforcement

ACC 599 Week 7 Assignment 2 Accounting and auditing enforcement

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ACC 599 Week 7 Assignment 2 – Accounting and Audit Enforcement
Using the Internet , databases , or the Securities and Exchange Commission ’ s Website , located athttp :// www . sec . gov / divisions / enforce / friactions / friactions2012 . shtm l , perform a search on several U . S . health care publicly-traded companies and choose a health care organization that has been accused of committing health care fraud .
Write a five to six ( 5-6 ) page paper in which you :
1 . Evaluate the level of SOX regulations that applies to forprofit and not-for-profit health care organizations , indicating whether or not mandating SOX requirements for non-profits might reduce fraud and increase corporate governance . Provide support for your rationale .
2 . Determine whether SOX has been effective in regulating ethical behavior of for-profit health care organizations . Defend your position .
3 . Determine whether deficiencies existed in the IT environment , and suggest ways to improve audit trails , data integrity , and policies and procedures in order to reduce the risk of fraudulent activity .