ACC 574 help A Guide to career/Snaptutorial ACC 574 help A Guide to career/Snaptutorial | Page 6

4. should be prepared for only those funds for which appropriations budgets are required by law to be prepared on the accrual basis or the modified accrual basis 16) In accounting for state and local governments, the modified accrual basis is required for 1. 2. 3. 4. proprietary and fiduciary funds all funds governmental funds only proprietary funds only 17) The accounting system used by a state or local government must make it possible 1. to fairly present the financial position and results of financial operations of the government as a whole, as well as fund financial activity in conformity with GAAP, and to demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal and contractual provisions 2. to provide web-based bond offering statements to investment firms 3. to prepare financial statements as required by the Financial Accounting Standards Board 4. to prepare consolidated accrual basis statements for the government as a whole 18) Which of the following is not a characteristic of a fund as defined by GASB standards? 1. An accounting entity 2. A self-balancing set of accounts 3. A fiscal entity 4. A segregated quantity of cash and other financial resources on deposit with a designated trustee 19) Which of the following costs would be allowable under OMB Circular A-87?