40 ) The operation of a municipality ’ s recreation facilities and sites such as ball fields , gymnasiums , and tracks are most likely to be accounted for in a
1 . |
capital projects fund |
2 . |
internal service fund |
3 . |
general fund |
4 . |
enterprise fund |
41 ) A municipality operates a local landfill . How could the landfill facility ’ s operations be reported in the municipality ’ s financial statements ?
1 . |
only in an enterprise fund |
2 . |
either in the general fund or a capital projects fund |
3 . |
either in the general fund or an enterprise fund |
4 . |
only in a general fund |
42 ) A computer was purchased from unrestricted resources for a general government department . The government paid cash for the computer at the purchase date . Which of the following is not an effect of this transaction in the General Fund ?
1 . |
Current liabilities do not change . |
2 . |
Fund balance decreases . |
3 . |
Current assets decrease . |
4 . |
Capital assets increase . |
43 ) If an expenditure was inadvertently charged to the General Fund instead of the appropriate Special Revenue Fund , what effect would the correction of this error later in the same fiscal year have on the General Fund ?
1 . |
Expenditures would be decreased . |
2 . |
Transfers in would be increased . |