ACC 573 ASSIST Invent Yourself/ ACC 573 ASSIST Invent Yourself/ | Page 21

ACC 573 Week 10 DQ 1
4 . Assess the role of the Chief Executive Officer in relationship to the stock performance , suggesting what the person in that role may have done differently to positively influence the performance of the stock and value to investors . Provide support for your suggestions .
5 . Evaluate the risk / reward position to an investor when purchasing stock during an initial public offering , indicating under what circumstances you would advise an investor to do so .
6 . Predict the stock price of Facebook over the next five years , indicating the key drivers of the performance and the resulting impact to the stock price . Provide support for your prediction .
1 . Use at least five ( 5 ) quality academic resources in this assignment . Note : Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources .

ACC 573 Week 10 DQ 1

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• Create an argument supporting that using the market-based valuation method yields the most accurate results . Provide support for your argument .