=============================================== ACC 573 Week 6 DQ 2
professionals through the creation of a new federal agency , Public Accounting Company Oversight Board ( PACOB ). Create an argument supporting whether SOX achieved these goals , and whether financial data reported today is more accurate and reliable than prior to the Act . Provide support for your rationale .
· Assess the impact to the Public Accounting Profession with the creation of the PACOB and the inability of the profession to be self-regulated . Indicate your level of support for the federal regulation of the profession . Provide a rationale for your response .
=============================================== ACC 573 Week 6 DQ 2
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· · Assess the impact to public trust when a publically traded company restates its financial data , indicating how negative impressions may be minimized . Provide support for your rationale .
· Evaluate the current trend of companies restating financial statements . Indicate the key drivers of this trend . Predict the